Catch in the Flesh (so to speak)

My beloved friend Megan is a graphic design major at CSU Chico. Now, I’ve seen some of the things that graphic design majors have to do–my friend Ryan Wunn, with whom I’m collaborating on FRaHGRttS, was one, and I’ve seen some of his school projects.

One of the projects Megan had to do was to design a book. Ryan had to do this also, but I believe he just made the cover design. Megan’s class had do pretty much everything associated with constructing a book, apart from actually writing the content. I’ve seen the workshop. I’m talking cover design, pressing, and even gluing and sewing the damned thing together. Ryan did an excellent design for Bram Stoker’s Dracula (I guess using books that are in public domain is the norm).

Megan, Goddess that she is, asked if she could use Catch.

It’s funny that she asked. Did she expect that there was any possibility I’d say no?

I know that many authors have printed versions of their self-published works, and that’s nice. But this is one of only two hand-crafted hardcovers of Catch. They’re the only two that will ever be made with this particular format.